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Car Stereos & wiring

Back in 90's wiring a stereo was a simple process, a live, switch live, ground then speaker pairs.

In the Mk1 TT this is not the case, it used Canbus to control on and off, lights & more which makes it that little more fun.

Not to mention the amplified speakers & bose.

Double Dins 

Now this is not for the faint hearted as you will have to remove the stereo surround & some of the dash to fit a new one. They are not that easy to come buy and can be quite expensive

Parts needed to install aftermarket stereo

If you are looking to fit an after market unit such as a pioneer, sony or similar you will need a few additional parts to make it all fit and work nicely.

 1. Side trims to fill the gaps either side as the stock unit is a lot wider, 

2. A wiring look suited to your car, i advise pulling your stock unit forward and seeing what plugs you have, this will make finding a suitable loom a lot easier and save messing around.

Like the stock stereo but want bluetooth or hands free

This is a cheap and easy option and requires little to no work, yes its not a perfect solution but takes 5 mins and costs less than a fifth of the cost of a new stereo. 

A bluetooth Fm transmitter is a great choice for music playback while retaining classic stock look.

Bluetooth Adapter

Stereo side trims

Wiring Harness with RCA

Wiring Harness with No RCA

Audi TT Top Cheap And Easy Modifications
The Parrott Bro’s

Audi TT Top Cheap And Easy Modifications

Audi TT Top Cheap And Easy Modifications Follow our journey, Instagram: @theparrottbros Facebook: Website: Shop Merch: Email: Supporting The Parrott Bros Channel If this Video / channel has saved you money, helped maintain your TT or you just love our content and you'd like to buy me a drink to say thank you, then feel free to send a donation to All donations will be put back into making more great content! 1) Cup Holder build your own parrott bros style Ordered from £5 Metal CNC printed one £70 2) Cig lighter adapter for Bluetooth 3) Air filter and Heat shield - Check before ordering, Comes with secondary breather 4) OEM Mounts phone holder 5) Honeycombe rear diffuser 6) Boost gauge Cloude 9 option White face 52mm Boost gauge - Black face 52mm gauge - fitting videos : 7) 3 bar facelift grill Debadged one - Rs Style - 8) Painting lower grills 9) Painting calipers, using caliper or high temperature paint. E-Tech make a easy to use, long lasting caliper paint kit, i have used it many times in the past AFFILIATE I included affiliate links for the products I own and love, that just means I get a tiny percentage if you buy from my link, you still get the same price. It helps fund my channel because I basically do this all for free! I like to be transparent. *Please note that all videos are as a guide on how we would approach this restoration, please take care when doing it for yourself, we take no responsibility for any work you undertake yourself* Hope you have found this helpful; any questions drop them in the comments below. Thanks for watching, see you next time. #auditt #mk1tt #theparrottbros
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