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Engine Bay Dress Up

Looking to improve the look of your tired engine bay, we look at what you can do to bring it up to scratch, loads of diy options available.

How To Paint Engine Parts
The Parrott Bro’s

How To Paint Engine Parts

In this video we cover what is needed materials and method to paint your charge pipe and other engine components Painting My 1.8T Charge Pipe Audi TT Mk1 Follow our journey, Instagram: @theparrottbros Facebook: Website: Shop Merch: Email: Supporting The Parrott Bros Channel If this Video / channel has saved you money, helped maintain your TT or you just love our content and you'd like to buy me a drink to say thank you, then feel free to send a donation to All donations will be put back into making more great content! What you will need: Clean cloths, some degreaser or brake cleaner, a scotch pad or fine grade sand paper, some string or old coat hangers, a nut or bolt, masking tape and the paint of your choice. Step 1, Give the item to be painted a good clean, Step 2, Once clean give the item a good key up, with either a scotch pad or sand paper of your choice, Step 3, Once happy its smooth enough to paint give it another quick clean to get rid of any loose bits or dust from sanding Step 4, Tie something heavy to your string then drop down into the pipe and should come out the other end. Mask up all ports where pipes connect, to protect the clean surface. Step 5, With the paint of your choice your ready to paint, follow the guidelines set out on the ca, i.e. drying time and time between coats etc. Once done ideally leave for a day or two for the paint to harden before returning to the car. *Please note that all videos are as a guide on how we would approach this restoration, please take care when doing it for yourself, we take no responsibility for any work you undertake yourself* Hope you have found this helpful; any questions drop them in the comments below. Thanks for watching, see you next time. #theparrottbros #1.8t
Engine bay dress up on 1.8t Audi tt Mk1
The Parrott Bro’s

Engine bay dress up on 1.8t Audi tt Mk1

How to make your engine bay better starting from as little as £5 see what can be done to enhance that engine bay. Follow our journey, Instagram: @theparrottbros Facebook: Website: Shop Merch: Email: Supporting The Parrott Bros Channel If this Video / channel has saved you money, helped maintain your TT or you just love our content and you'd like to buy me a drink to say thank you, then feel free to send a donation to All donations will be put back into making more great content! If you are unable to find the info you are looking for feel free to message us via instagram, facebook or our website for more help. In this video we cover everything from light cleaning and dressing to full hose swaps, intakes and more. Links below for some of the items discussed in the video. Engine plastics cleaning and dressings, Cleaning wise a degreaser from any major car cleaning brands, Gel or plastic trim like Juicy details gel trim or autoglym bumper gel. More permanent coating Gtechniq C4 trim. Painting your plastics, a good plastic primer followed by paint colour and lacquer. Painting and polishing the metal components Painting and good Hi-temp paint, Like Vht or similar Polishing wise @andypallister - instagram Vht wrinkle paint - Coolant bottle Part no: 1J0 121 403 B Ebay / Euro car parts etc Coolant cap Part no 1J0 121 321 Coil harness Braided fuel lines Fixings kit, for engine plastics, can be brought from a number of places, but cb auto do a lovely kit with all the correct fixings Anodised dip stick Inlet trim plate Oil and coolant cap Oil; Coolant Strut brace dress up domed nuts Silicone hoses Coolant hose kit, check ebay and awesome gti etc Boost hoses, look at our video if your looking to fit a front mount intercooler Turbo intake pipe, oversized like Badger 5 Catch can Track slag charge pipe 008 Dv Intakes *Please note that all videos are as a guide on how we would approach this restoration, please take care when doing it for yourself, we take no responsibility for any work you undertake yourself* Hope you have found this helpful; any questions drop them in the comments below. Thanks for watching, see you next time. AFFILIATE I included affiliate links for the products I own and love, that just means I get a tiny percentage if you buy from my link, you still get the same price. It helps fund my channel because I basically do this all for free! I like to be transparent.

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